Module Or_error.On_monad

On_monad implements bi-traversal operators for a given monad M.

Currently, this is no different to On(Monad_exts.App(M)); this may change in the future.


module M : Base.Monad.S


include Travesty.Bi_traversable_types.Basic_generic_on_applicative with type ('l, 'r) t := 'l t with type 'l left := 'l with type 'r right := right with module M := Travesty.Monad_exts.App(M)
include Travesty.Generic_types.Bi_generic with type ('l, 'r) t := 'l t with type 'l left := 'l with type 'r right := right
val bi_map_m : 'l1 t -> left:('l1 -> 'l2 Travesty.Monad_exts.App(M).t) -> right:(right -> right Travesty.Monad_exts.App(M).t) -> 'l2 t Travesty.Monad_exts.App(M).t

bi_map_m c ~left ~right traverses with left over every 'l1 left, and right over every 'r1 right, in c.

val map_left_m : 'l1 t -> f:('l1 -> 'l2 Travesty.Monad_exts.App(M).t) -> 'l2 t Travesty.Monad_exts.App(M).t

map_left_m c ~f monadically traverses over the left type of c only, using f.

val map_right_m : 'l t -> f:(right -> right Travesty.Monad_exts.App(M).t) -> 'l t Travesty.Monad_exts.App(M).t

map_right_m c ~f monadically traverses f over the right type of c only, using f.